As a designer and specifically a woman who loves bags, I wanted to create a good looking, practical shopping - schlepping bag, that was not your normal canvas bag, but something unique and functional.
I have always had an interest in fabrics, burlap being one of those fabrics. I use upholstery strap for handles, very sturdy, we all know it as something else but it is perfect as a handle the same way we know burlap for bags but not shopping bags.
My bag design is a great size for daily market runs, going to the beach, to the gym or just carrying around for the day. Of course, they have an inside pocket for phone and keys.
Our planet is becoming very crowded and I am concerned about the polar bears, penguins and many other animals. I have designed this bag with the hope that if you carry my bag and not plastic, we are both helping our earth and animals.
I live in Brooklyn, New York. I am married and a proud Mom of a son and daughter and many animals.
I am very proud to say all my bags are designed and produced in New York City.
Practicality with class!
Susannah Thompson